Rapture and joy!!
Bliss! Joy! Radiant happiness and glorious day!!The cause of this effusive happiness? Today, for the first time ever, I had someone come in to help me with the cleaning. My house--it sparkles. It shines. Under the fridge is clean. Under the washing machine is clean. The oven is clean. Incredible!
I reached the point of just not being able to handle it all. I've never been good at the deep cleaning, and with Steve gone, and these three babies, well--things were not looking so good!!
So I found this fabulous lady on my trusted craigslist, and she came today. She did things to my kitchen I didn't even know were possible.
The whole time, I felt very naked. Exposed. All of my hidden dirt, all the corners that I keep out of view, everything was overturned. She saw all my dirt. Many metaphors here for the Savior and our souls.
And like repentance and the Atonement, it's all clean now. I'm so happy!!
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4 comment(s):
I am light headed with envy. I want all the details. I have always been too afraid for the exact reasons you listed. But oh, I would LOVE to hire someone at least right before Christmas.
Jenn, at
7:06 AM
Now I must confess that I too have a wonderful cleaning man. Yes, a man. It eliminates so many issues and he is so inexpensive. It is one perk of living in a very small town. The best thing about his weekly visit is that I pick up the whole house, finish the laundry and gather all the library books. We depart the house about 15 minutes after he arrives and return 3 hours later to a clean bright house. It is, indeed, a joyous feeling. I hope you do it again. I use it as our day out. We shop and go to the library storytime. The consistency is wonderful.
Anonymous, at
10:14 AM
Oh you all are making me feel so much better about having a bi- weekly housecleaner. This week they shampooed the carpet on all 14 stairs. Cant beat a housecleaner for bringing you releif and peace of mind! Way to go girl.
Mrs. Darling, at
11:37 AM
So jealous!!
Unknown, at
5:14 PM
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